Provisioning AWS resources

Notes on command line snipsets

On command line snipsets, lines starting with a $ character indicate a shell prompt, or a command for you to type. Lines that do not start with a $ character, indicate a sample output from that command. Example:

$ whoami

Sometimes you will see diff command lines looking like this:

$ diff -u ~/.aws/djaoapp
-ssh_key_name = ec2-stage-key
+ssh_key_name = ec2-production-key

These diff commands should not be executed. They represent the lines you should remove (starting with -) and the lines you should add (starting with +) from the file specified on the diff command line (~/.aws/djaoapp in the example above). Other lines are used for context and should remain unchanged.

The dcloud command supports a –dry-run command line argument that can be used to run through a configuration without making any change to the AWS infrastructure. This is useful for debugging.

The dcloud command also supports a –skip-create-network command line argument that skips creating/checking VPCs, Subnets, etc. This is useful to speed up deployment when you have only made modifications affecting applications and databases.

Step by step

Create the network environment

1. Create a configuration file in ~/.aws The filename will be used to tag all resources created by the provisioning script. Inside that configuration file, define the region you want to deploy into and the CIDR block you want to use for the VPC. Example:

$ cat ~/.aws/djaoapp

region_name = *region_name*
vpc_cidr =
  1. Create a ssh key to connect to the EC2 instances (optional)

$ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/ec2-production-key -t rsa -b 4096 -a 100
$ diff -u ~/.aws/djaoapp
+ssh_key_name = ec2-production-key
  1. Run dcloud

$ dcloud

Add a sally instance

  1. Check the LDAP TLS certificate is in the identities directory

$ cd /Volumes/identities/*region_name*/sally
$ find . -type f
  1. Upload identities

$ cd /Volumes/identities/*region_name*
$ aws s3 cp sally \
    s3://*identities_bucket*/identities/*region_name*/sally \
  1. Update configuration file in ~/.aws

$ diff -u ~/.aws/djaoapp
# ImageID for AWS Linux in *region_name*
+image_name = ami-******

+identities_url = s3://*identities_bucket*/identities/*region_name*/sally
+ssh_port = *ssh_port*
  1. Run dcloud

$ dcloud --skip-create-network

Add a postgresql database

  1. Create TLS certificates

$ cd /Volumes/identities/*region_name*/*internal_domain_name*
$ openssl req -new -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
    -keyout /etc/pki/tls/private/*internal_domain_name*.key \
    -out /etc/pki/tls/certs/*internal_domain_name*.csr

# Self-signing
$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 \
    -in /etc/pki/tls/certs/*internal_domain_name*.csr \
    -signkey /etc/pki/tls/private/*internal_domain_name*.key \
    -out /etc/pki/tls/certs/*internal_domain_name*.crt
  1. Upload identities

$ cd /Volumes/identities/*region_name*
$ aws s3 cp *internal_domain_name* \
    s3://*identities_bucket*/identities/*region_name*/*internal_domain_name* \
  1. Update configuration file in ~/.aws

$ diff -u ~/.aws/djaoapp
# ImageID for AWS Linux in *region_name*
+image_name = ami-******

+db_password = [*** REDACTED ***]
  1. Run dcloud

$ dcloud --skip-create-network

(When using RDS)

$ diff -u ~/.aws/djaoapp
+db_master_user =
+db_master_password =
+db_user =
+db_password =
+provider = rds

Restore a postgresql database

Copy the backup of each database you want to restore into the identities_bucket S3 bucket, add the names of those databases in the config section and follow the steps from the previous section “Add a postgresql database”.

  1. Prepare the identities

$ aws s3 cp *db_name*.sql.gz \
  1. Update configuration file

$ diff -u ~/.aws/djaoapp
# ImageID for AWS Linux in *region_name*
+image_name = ami-******

+db_password = [*** REDACTED ***]
  1. Run dcloud

$ dcloud --skip-create-network

Add an application container

$ cat ~/.aws/djaoapp
instance_type = t3a.medium
app_subnet_id = subnet-*****

Create a webfront AMI

The webfront AMI is used as a base for all proxy instances.

1. Create a djaoapp.tar.bz2 package and upload it to s3://identities_bucket/identities/region_name/djaoapp-tag_name/var/www/djaoapp.tar.bz2

  1. Create config

$ cat ~/.aws/djaoapp
identities_url = s3://*identities_bucket*/identities/*region_name*/djaoapp-*tag_name*
ami = 1
  1. Run dcloud

$ dcloud --skip-create-network